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When atoms present underground undergo three-dimensional pattern change due to the effect of light moisture pressure and other Natural Sources they form a unique structure called crystals since these are grown underground these are also referred to as minerals so crystals are minerals that are formed due to continuous processing of atoms underground now you may wonder why there are different forms of crystals well there is due to climate condition and quality of soil water accept available in the area the shape and color of same crystal may vary in different regions this usually depends upon the way it has grown in that particular area some take on strange shape some are very small and other grow very large developing over thousands of years. 

Variety of Crystals

  •  Single terminated wands
  • Chunks
  • Clusters
  • Cut crystals
  • Tumble stones 

Cleaning of crystals is said to be absorbed memory they remember the vibrations energy of a person or surroundings when you buy a crystal that crystal has already been in too many hands The processor to the intermediate seller and so on the energy of each person and the surroundings are stored in crystals and they are definitely MS align hence in order to use the crystals for our own choosing purpose we need to remove all those in direct energy is from it by the method of Crystal cleaning.


Course detail of crystals

  1. Explanation of seven chakras
  2. Balanced imbalanced and overactive Chakra explanation
  3. Types of crystals
  4. Details of cleaning crystals
  5. Charging methods of Crystal
  6. Explanation of seven chakras a permission
  7. Explanation of seven chakras Mantra
  8. Details about crystal bracelets and their uses